Implications of NIMS Integration Plan For Hospitals and Healthcare
The National Response Plan is an all hazards, all agencies come when, mitigation, response and recovery from disasters, whether natural events and events of national importance or man made. A little-known provision of NIMS of a classification system for all disaster-related resources. The classification system, the National Resource Typing System (NRTS) unified cross-agency, cross-jurisdictional classification of resources that can be used as or in response approach to a NRP / NIMS event If these resources are equipment or personnel .
Responsibilities of a sign:
All federal agencies, all 50 states, the territories and protectorates and all tribal nations within the scope and power of the federal government now has become signatories to the NRP / NIMS. Among the signatories are the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the lead agency for Medicare, Medicaid and the Veterans Healthcare financing. The author makes some state agencies and government responsibility and give them certain rights and privileges. The rights and responsibilities of all agencies derive their authority funding or a sign of NRP / NIMS.
In addition to an irrevocable agreement to participate fully in any disaster, whether natural or artificial, event or incident of national importance within the region of signature or signing the power of the office, department or agency, all signatories to the NIMS / NRP have pre-agreed with all the changes, rankings and regulations may change promulgated by the director of DHS or the NIMS Integration Center and the Center for the Implementation PNR. Such changes, rankings and regulatory changes should be implemented without changes.
NIMS is required at the time of DHS Significance:
Within NIMS, there are some important clauses in establishing a new industry in the area of disaster preparedness, planning, training and evaluation in the United States. Back and forth through the document is the phrase "establish qualifications, credentials and certification for hospitals and health centers in collaboration with ... and national professional organizations". This phrase appears in each reference to hospitals and health centers at all levels of the response - administrative, financial, logistical and above all operational. When the hospital was specifically mentioned, the phrase will rise structures. To date, there is no classification, accreditation or certification implemented by DHS, NIMS, or PNR system.
The NRTS offer any guidance from the writing of this report, for qualification, certification, accreditation, or writing medical providers, and more specifically, the doctor. However, the NIMS Integration Center, the September 12, 2006, published in silence an Implementation Plan NIMS Hospital and Health Facilities.
NIMS Responsibility In DHHS Significance:
In addition to an irrevocable agreement to participate fully in any disaster, whether natural or artificial, event or incident of national importance within the region of signature or signing the power of the office, department or agency, all signatories to the NIMS / NRP have pre-agreed with all the changes, rankings and regulations may change promulgated by the director of DHS or the NIMS Integration Center and the Center for the Implementation PNR. Such changes, rankings and regulatory changes should be implemented without changes.
The Center for Medical Services (CMS) is the DHHS agency expressly empowered and who is responsible for overseeing all operations of Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare. These responsibilities include certification of the participating hospitals and health team either directly through a network of Regional Offices (RO) and state agencies (IN) or by approved private bodies, including the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Organizations Health (JCAHO) and the Accreditation Program Health Centers (HEAP) American Osteopathic Association (AOA). CMS gets its power directly to the Secretary of HHS and is responsible for performing all the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary of DHHS applied to Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare, including but not limited to promulgate regulations and regulatory guidelines for this purpose.
Center NIMS Implementation Plan Hospitals and medical care:
Plan NIMS Implementation Center Hospital and Health Fund provides a new landscape for the provision of disaster planning, preparedness, training and evaluation, as well as national organizations involved in the certification and accreditation of health facilities, healthcare, professional planning professionals and professionals in emergency management.
JCAHO Accreditation Standards and Disaster Preparedness:
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) has become the de facto standard for hospital and Accreditation of health care centers. The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) has parallel Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HEAP). For purposes of this discussion, there is no practical difference in the standards set by JCAHO and AOA. As JCAHO Accreditation is the most common, the discussion focused on the JCAHO standards.
Participating hospitals and healthcare team repudiate "self-certification" for external accredited by JCAHO. HHS CMS uses JCAHO Accreditation instead of CMS certification for purposes of eligibility CMS provider. JCAHO Accreditation loss is synonymous with the loss of CMS eligibility provider. JCAHO published a special manual entitled Standing Together compliance outlining the JCAHO standards for disaster preparedness in the / 09 was back to 11 and provides guidance on compliance with these rules.
The JCAHO standards specifically adopted the classification system Disaster START / Jump start (aka Integrated classification). User JCAHO faces particularly well Disaster Preparedness Drills and Training by immersion simulation, called "wider community" and "exit drills." JCAHO Allows user simulation exercises, but this type of drill does not meet the need of drills influx. JCAHO accredited hospital decided to perform a variety of drilling at least one community each year and at least two exit drills every two years.
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