Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Best and Latest Nutrition and Health News for Allergy Sufferers

What are allergies? Posted by Angela and Frances Lamar RCPT Bluet RAM owner Diet for Weight Loss


Allergy caused by an immune response inappropriate. That is, your immune system mistakenly think that a harmless thing as a dangerous substance and struggling to get out of the body. The symptoms of allergies are not caused by the body's reaction to a substance the substance itself.

What causes an allergy?

Stress, poor digestion, malnutrition, all three of these problems with the right diet can be corrected

1. Stress proteins the body makes histamine increased allergy symptoms decomposed. Also destroys vitamin C and pantheistic acid (B5) is necessary for both the stress and destroyed for proper digestion necessary other B-vitamins.

2. Poor digestion-If the food is not properly broken down by the digestive system, substances enter the body in a natural way, increasing the chances that the immune system overreact to them. The B-vitamins improve digestion and the absence of either vitamin B-complex, detrimental to the proper functioning of the digest system. B vitamins are required for the proper production of hydrochloric acid to the responsible food (stomach acid).

3. Lack of proper nutrients in food vitamins help the body break down histamines that occur during allergy and reduce the permeability of the tissues of the body to harmful invaders. All of these nutrients are in wider value for people who suffer from allergies needed. Hereditary factors may actually higher genetic requirements for certain nutrients, since nutrient requirements may in the family and the development of allergies in later generations may actually cause more of a necessity for the nutrients.

HOW nutrition helps

Vitamin A strengthens mucosa is required to keep allergens outside. It also strengthens the immune system by reducing the possibility of over-reaction to harmless substances. Vitamin A is an antioxidant in Allergy particularly low.

B vitamins work together to improve immune function, and helps the body to stress and are necessary for proper digestion including the production of hydrochloric acid (stomach acid). When food is broken down properly reduces the chances that it is an allergic reaction. Pantheistic acid (B5) is linked to all diseases including allergic stress (even in those with allergies significantly lower). Studies have shown that the deficiency of pantheistic acid can not only increase the chance of developing allergy, but also increases the likelihood of a severe allergic reaction. Pantheistic acid (B5) is necessary to help the body deal with stress. Pantheistic acid, as it is more commonly called, and Vitamin B6 helps to break down histamine reduction reactions in the body.

The B6, C and E vitamins are natural diuretics which excrete fluids sometimes accumulate from an allergic reaction to help the body.

Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, diuretic, detoxifying, antioxidant and immune stimulant, all useful for allergy. Vitamin C not only increases the chances of an allergic reaction, but also reduces the possibility of a serious allergic reaction, a reaction that reduces the symptoms.

Vitamin E is a natural diuretic that helps prevent your body, excess fluid to remove the causes allergies and other immune responses. It is an antioxidant that is known to be low in people with allergies. To reinforce the walls of the membrane permeability reducing allergen, thereby reducing the risk of allergy.

Magnesium helps the body with stress, reduces allergy symptoms and known to be low in people with allergies

Selenium is known to be low in asthmatics and helps the body antioxidants that are known to be low in people with allergies to generate

Zinc improves immune system function

  Flavoring are found in the peel of citrus fruits and buckwheat. Flavoring, as they commonly called detox works with vitamin C to improve, strengthen immune function and capillary walls, so that it more permeable.

  Co enzymeQ10 is an antioxidant in the liver and known to be low in people with allergies. Improving the function of the other antioxidants

  Macrobiotics(acidophiles, L.Bicuspids, L.Bulgar us) reduce the bad bacteria, increase the star of histamine and helps digest process

Essential fatty acids improve immune function and reduce the incidence of inflammation often caused by allergies

Well the good news

But it is good news for those who are allergic. Show new study that people with allergies have significantly lower incidences of life for cancer. Perhaps this is due to the stimulated immune system, being alert to changes in the cells before they proliferate in the tumor.

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