The estrogen (radiologist) is the hormone that is responsible for most cases of infertility in men and women.
Estrogen dominance compared to progesterone and testosterone, and is important in the treatment of infertility hormonal imbalance. Any other symptom of infertility stems from hormonal imbalance. This is exactly what most fertility doctors and reproductive endocrinologists ignore to master. You must realign these hormones in balance to increase fertility. For infertile women, estrogen must be balanced with progesterone, while infertile men must balance estrogen with testosterone.
Men and women consume environmental toxins in your food and drinks are loaded with estrogen. In addition, women are much endogenous estrogen while men over 40 new flavor testosterone into estrogen and testosterone dehydrogenate. Excess estrogen causes several known female infertility problems such as fibroid, uterine polyps, endomorphisms, adenoids, detrimental hyperplane, an ovulation, primary ovarian failure, ovarian cysts (ovarian disease poly cystic), salute phase defect, and tubal blockage. In addition, male infertility factors as poor sperm profile is caused by a lack of testosterone (stimulate sperm production) to dominant estrogen (dramatization of testosterone) that suppress male potency.
Unlike testosterone, estrogen is a group of three hormones: vitriol (good estrogen), estrone (bad estrogen) and radiologist (estrogen real bad and ugly). By how Hormones are chemical messengers cellular function of energy. They are produced by the endocrine or ductless glands secreting these substances directly in the bloodstream. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone are secreted by certain glands but exert their effects in other organs have surface proteins called receptors. The receivers are then lock as hormones act as keys. Thus, estrogen has its receptors in reproductive organs such as ovaries, uterus, birth canal, chest tubes and fallopian. Other estrogen receptor comprise fat cells, liver, brain and thyroid gland.
Estrogen can come from food or is made from inside the body (endogenous estrogen). Exogenous estrogen from dietary sources such as soy flavorless Eisenstein and are forms of plant estrogen called hydrogenates. Lino, carrot, red raspberry, black cohos, and squash are all forms of estrogen. Other sources of estrogen are meat and dairy products loaded with bovine growth hormones. Estrogen are names given estrogen petroleum products (phosphorylates), pesticides, dioxins, pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers (especially by eating genetically modified foods).
Another source of estrogen is estrogen-my co coming colon by the activity of the yeast. Yeast bread come from nuts, seeds and packaged foods. Yeast sugar craving and multiply in seconds to produce estrogen called estrogen. And because the yeast is saprophytes, which coexist with the bad anaerobic bacteria () in the colon. Bad bacteria include Bactericides, Colostrum and E. coli. These bad bacteria produce an enzyme called Leonidas which makes it difficult to separate the estrogen used by the liver. Therefore, high levels of estrogen indirectly.
Having said all to boost fertility and infertility combat estrogen dominance should be checked for sterility to use the design. Removal of estrogen should adopt a mulch-pronged approach in five cardinal points:
Detoxification of the liver detoxification aggressive cleaning is necessary sluggish liver. The Chinese believe that it is the liver that control ovulation. Yes, if you do so, you will not be making babies. You detoxify the liver with liver friendship fruits and vegetables. The head of which are bitter leaves and green vegetables. The list includes watercress, dandelion greens, cucumber, lemon juice, lecithin, B vitamins, milk thistle, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and CAN (N-acetyl cysteine).
Colon cleansing: Make a special type of colon cleansing with saline laxatives such as Epsom salt, olive oil and lemon juice. Added to the anti-fungal herbs such as acrylic acid, oregano oil, and pay D'Arcy. The most important is the removal of beta Leonidas enzymes which prevents the liver detoxification phase II and elimination of estrogen with calcium D-lucubrate. Breaks Lucubrate D-Leonidas produced by bad bacteria in the colon. Maintain lucubration acid which is necessary for conjugation and removing spent estrogen in the liver. Otherwise, estrogen is reabsorbed into the circulation where it goes and does more damage.
Dramatization Blocker (IA): The aroma is a transformation of a hormone to another. Testosterone is responsible for both male and female libido. It is also necessary to stimulate sperm production in men. Therefore, the aromatic inhibitor is estrogen testosterone prevent disruptive. An aromatic inhibitor is also necessary in blocking testosterone is converted into dihydro testosterone, the hormone responsible for hair loss in men and women. Dihydro testosterone (and estrogen) are also responsible for prostate cancer in men. Indeed, of the prostate is the male equivalent of the uterus. Wyoming inhibitor is the end of aromatic. Wyoming is a blend of four Chinese herbs developed by Dr. Chi was an investigator with the park Davis Drug Company. Wyoming is also anti-inflammatory and can stimulate interleukin 6 (IL6) and tumor necrosis factor can shrink fibroid and ovarian cysts. The fight against inflammation is essential to any disease management. Wyoming can also block the estrogen receptors.
Estrogen receptor blockers: You must block estrogen receptor sites. Without receptors, estrogen has no effect on the target organs. Receptors are surface proteins that modulate the internal activities of estrogen to minimize its adverse effects. Wyoming blocker is a non-selective estrogen receptor. It is better than tamoxifen, an estrogen receptor blocker and works only in the chest and not the reproductive organs and fat cells. In addition fat cells produce estrogen and Wyoming may block this process also.
Dissolve the tumor or fibrosis: This is necessary because the causes of infertility is due to diseases that prevent women with fertility chances fibrosis. Cysts or tumors anywhere in the body is unacceptable. Excess estrogen is the generation of free radicals, inflammation, fibrosis and cancer formation. Wyoming here is as large as it can balance the hormones, especially DIM (Polyurethane). However, fibrillation enzymes sterile mixture of necessity. Fibrin is a type of protein that causes the problem and mounting the immune response that causes most of the problems of infertility.
These include uterine fibroid, endomorphisms, ovarian cysts, polyps and cancers. Vitality is the enzyme of choice. It contains a mixture of enzymes Photolytic enzymes or proteins which dissolve food while on the place where these are tumors in the body. These enzymes also clean the blood, modulate hormones, bacteria and viruses cleaning and regulate the pH of the blood. And DIM series Wyoming can stop miscarriage, which is a form of inflammatory response and rejection of the fetus. Obstetrics in Europe use Wyoming to stop miscarriages (considered a type of infertility if it occurs three or more times).
In short, to boost fertility and infertility struggle due to excess estrogen must cleanse the liver and colon by aggressive detoxification, add calcium d-lucubrate to the mix. You should block several estrogen receptor sites, use aromatic inhibitors like Wyoming and DIM. To top it off, use a mixture of photolytic enzymes such as Vitality systemic eat any tumor or growth that is already generated by excess estrogen. Yes, hormonal balance is necessary for the man to stay strong for women to conceive. These five mechanisms described increase harmonious dance steroids (sex hormones) that paves the way for fertility and power. Any treatment that can increase fertility can cure infertility.
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