Safety, Health and Environmental Management is a set of policies, programs, procedures and practices. One of the key elements is to ensure that the Company in accordance with the applicable rules, but the total size is much larger, covering all aspects of products and processes of a company.
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Safety, Health and Environmental Management is a set of policies, programs, procedures and practices. One of the main elements is to ensure that the company operates in accordance with the applicable rules, but the overall scope is larger, covering all aspects of products and processes of an organization.
Work safety management programs to assess and mitigate the risks associated with physical processes and products. For example, security professionals to identify potential risks to the safety of workers and implement security controls. These controls typically include measures such as guards, personal protective equipment, safety procedures and training. The product safety program to assess the potential risks of products and improve product design to protect the end user of the product.
Environment Management:
Environmental protection programs. All aspects of products, processes and services, from concept and design to end of life Environmental management programs focus on the reduction of toxic elements in the product, the conservation of natural resources and reducing waste in all phases of the product life. In particular, companies seek to reduce their ecological footprint, which is to use the amount of resources needed. Environmental initiatives can recycling, energy saving, reduction of packaging, including programs to encourage carpooling and telecommuting workers.
Developed by the International Organization for Standardization has an Environmental Management System according to ISO 14000. This standard describes a comprehensive EMS program includes risk assessment, program development, self-evaluation and corrective measures, and evaluation of management. Companies can operate in a company of 14,000 ISO registrar to test their programs and demonstrate compliance with the ISO 14000 Occupational Health and Safety Standard 18000 is usually covers such systems safety and health at work. To evaluate the Directorate for Health and Safety at Work and validate the system of health and safety organization under the protection program on a voluntary basis.
Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE)
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