Sunday, November 23, 2014

Basic Information on Getting a CT Scan at an Urgent Care Facility

 CT Scan 

Get a CT scan in a center of attention, it can be emotionally difficult for some patients. However, you can be
sure that your experience enjoyable. This is what you can expect when you arrive for the procedure.

Which is

A CT (computed tomography) provides emergency care physicians with an image of the cross section of soft tissues and bones in your body for them when they get much more information from X-rays alone. It is mainly used for people who have some kind of internal trauma suffered due to a car accident or other accident to investigate, but also has some other uses. For example, you can help your doctor diagnose diseases that may be impacting your bones or muscles or determine the exact position of infection, blood clots or tumor. TC also help physicians guide biopsies, surgery and other procedures, and can help identify problems such as heart disease, cancer, liver masses and others.

What to Expect

Some people compare CT large donuts. They are on a table that slides being surrounded by a small tunnel through a portal. If you set photos from your head, you can set in a particular type of crib, so yet. During scanning, the table will move slowly as the gantry rotates through the tunnel. All the time, dozens of images of the body, while the clicks, hums, buzzing and noises are made. You will be in contact with a technician who you ask, you may want to hold your breath at regular intervals so that the images are as clear as possible.

After the scan,

Once your exam is over, should be placed in position quickly your regular routine. There is a chance you could help inject a contrast that offer contrast to the images. If that's the case, you will be asked in the office for a short stay, while just make sure that is what feels good. You probably need to drink plenty of fluids so that your kidneys can make the contrast with the body color. If you are breastfeeding, it is possible that the contrast agent could be transmitted to your child so you can pump milk and store it for 24-48 hours before the appointment. Do you plan to bottle feed your baby after a couple of hours after the test continues.

There is absolutely no reason to fear this important procedure. Each staff member will meet in an emergency room do everything possible to ensure they are as comfortable as possible during your visit.

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