Saturday, November 29, 2014

Causes and Treatments For Primary Infertility

 Primary Infertility

Primary infertility is when couples have tried unsuccessfully to conceive for at least one year and who have never been pregnant. Secondary infertility is when couples already have children, but not been able to get pregnant again. If you have had trouble getting pregnant without success, this article will give you some answers to help you better understand what is happening.

Major Causes of Infertility - Infertility can be caused by many different factors. Women struggling with fertility for the most difficulty with ovulation. There are other reasons for female infertility, including the inability of the egg from attaching to the uterine wall, the inability of the egg to travel the uterus, inability to produce eggs, coagulation disorders, autoimmune disorders, excessive alcohol consumption, excessive exercise, cysts, hormonal imbalances, etc.

Primary infertility in men usually revolves around problems with sperm. Sometimes the sperm is malformed and unable to fertilize the egg. Sperm can also have mobility problems or just not enough of them. Male infertility can also be caused by smoking, advanced age, infection of the testicles, excessive alcohol consumption, environmental pollutants and so on.

Treatment of primary infertility - There are many treatments for infertility. These include medical procedures such as in nitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), the transfer of the fertilized egg (FET), etc. There are also some natural precautions you should do to increase your chances of getting pregnant. You have to treat your body carefully which means you should eat a well balanced diet and take vitamins. Also exercising and using stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga and acupuncture. When you treat your body well, you have a better chance of overcoming their primary infertility and pregnancy successfully.

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