a conversation occasionally punctuated by pregnant pauses.
Getting Pregnant With Fibroids
Fibroid s are solid tumors usually occur in the wall of the nutrus. They are extremely common, affecting between 50 and 80% of women of reproductive age and the vast majority are completely harmless. However, there is no doubt that at certain times of life, fibroid s can be more problematic and many women are rightly worried that fibroid s and pregnancy do not sit comfortably together! There is also concern that pregnant women with fibroid s can be difficult.
Before continuing, I must stress that most women have a smooth pregnancy and getting pregnant with fibroid s present usually causes no problem.
One of the main concerns that women have is that existing fibroid s may grow during pregnancy, affecting fetus. Fortunately, in most cases it is not. In fact, for some women, fibroid s can actually decrease during pregnancy, but in most cases the same size will be retained.
The most common problems with fibroid s and pregnancy tend to revolve around the discomfort for the mother-to-be that the fetus, although some problems may arise in this regard.
Some women feel pressure or heaviness in the abdominal area that fibroid s pressing on nearby structures such as the uterus is enlarged. In addition, some women experience pain in the lower back or legs as the nerves are compressed. A rare complication caused when the speaker is getting fibroid s red degeneration. This occurs when the fibroid from the center begins to bleed and can cause severe pain during the middle trimester. However, solving usually die without treatment.
Where fibroid s and pregnancy occurs, sometimes problems can occur with the implantation of the egg, especially if the fibroid s developed under the surface of the abdomen. This can lead to an early miscarriage. Furthermore, fibroid s can block the entry of the tubes or uterine tubes, causing infertility. Later in pregnancy, a large fibroid can disrupt the normal growth pattern of the uterus, which can sometimes lead to premature birth.
When a woman has trouble getting pregnant with fibroid s, but there is no apparent reason why this should be the case, it was shown that the elimination or reduction of fibroid s may increase your chances of conceiving 40 -80%.
If you are considering starting a family and know that you have fibroid, it makes sense to be proactive and do something about it beforehand because although most pregnancies end delivery of a baby healthy, there is no doubt that the fibroid and pregnancy is not an ideal mix and that can cause problems.
Fibroid are a condition which respond very well to natural remedies and are an ideal condition to treat because they are rarely fatal. It makes sense to try a natural treatment for fibroid before resorting to surgery or any of the hormonal drugs which can cause their own side effects.
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