First pregnancy is a big event that most women are happy with happy anticipation. But you know what are the symptoms of early pregnancy sign? Most women are aware that a missed menstrual period indicates pregnancy, but can also occur on several other reasons. The symptoms of the first signs of pregnancy is present physically and mentally. To become aware the symptoms and signs of early pregnancy, be sure to read books and articles, and even go on the internet.
The physical symptoms of early pregnancy
Most symptoms of first pregnancy by the release of pregnancy hormones estrogen and progesterone resulting in the woman's body. These hormones affect breasts begin to grow and sensitive. In addition to the always full and heavy, breasts may begin to tingle or painful. Start small spots to appear around the nipples and breasts change to prepare for milk production.
Not physical symptoms of early pregnancy
The first signs of pregnancy week on non-physical level, reduced energy levels, resulting in fatigue. The main reason for this condition is that the body to work harder to produce more blood and hormones so that nutrients to the fetus carried out. The heart has to work harder and to take care of to increase blood flow. Progesterone is produced in greater quantity, leading to apathy and sleepy feeling.
implantation bleeding
You can read the first pregnancy, if you find implantation bleeding. This is a first sign of weeks of pregnancy and occurs because of the fertilized egg, which is fixed to the wall of the uterus, because blood flowing out of the body. This discharge is lighter than menstrual blood and cramping occurs due to the enlargement of the uterus.
The symptoms of first pregnancy complicated by bleeding accompanied by morning sickness or nausea as implantation. Increased estrogen production causes these symptoms trimester.
Other symptoms of early pregnancy
In addition to morning sickness, the other symptoms of early pregnancy are:
Frequent urination: it is the result of the uterus is enlarged and presses on the bladder.
Constipation digestion slower because the food passes through the gastrointestinal tract slowly.
Headaches: The blood flow must increase, due to increased production of the hormones of pregnancy and causes headaches.
Mood swings: In the first trimester of pregnancy occur, mood swings due to the hormonal changes that could range from sadness to euphoria.
Higher basal body: mouth temperature higher in the morning, shortly after ovulation and this continues until the next period.
These are the first symptoms of pregnancy, and if you start to experience one of them, you should consult your doctor, even if you do not see a point. If you are aware of the pregnancy, you can even worried about what will happen and how to do the same thing. The birth of your baby - If you recognize the symptoms of early pregnancy, you can quite prepared, the most beautiful event may encounter in your life.
First pregnancy is a special time in your life. If this is your first time there are more chances that you will not see or ignore,First Pregnancy Symptoms
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