The first major signs that you may be pregnant
You may be completely unaware of who is pregnant for several weeks, asking if you expect when you miss a period. Or, if you notice small changes and in tune with the rhythms of your body you can start a little early suspect. You might start to wonder what might be pregnant shortly after you have designed as the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus (womb). This is usually within 10 days after conception.
Before starting work on his weekly pregnancy calendar, here is a list of top 10 signs and symptoms of pregnancy, starting with the first things you might notice. You may have some, all, or none of the early signs of pregnancy:
1. stinging or tingling nipples
This may be one of the first signs of pregnancy, 1-2 weeks design. You may feel a tingling sensation pregnancy hormones increase the blood supply to the breast, especially around the nipples. When your body gets used to the increased hormones, the feeling will fade.
2. spotting and cramping
It is common to have several points, light pink brown on your underwear or when small and cramps. Identify early pregnancy can be caused by the implantation of the egg in the uterus. And some bleeding around the time normally expect your period may be caused by hormones that control your periods hole.
3. Feeling sick
Morning sickness is a common symptom of early pregnancy. If you are lucky, you can escape it altogether. Often starts around 4-6 weeks. You can feel comfortable and nauseated or vomiting. Despite its name, morning sickness can affect morning, noon or night. Unfortunately!
4. Tender, swollen breasts
In about six weeks pregnant, your breasts may be more sensitive to touch. It can be very similar to how they feel before your period, but more intense. Tenderness tends to be more common in the first quarter, which oversees slowly as your pregnancy progresses. You may also notice that your breasts are bigger and swollen, with visible blue veins just under the skin.
5. fatigue
The early stages of pregnancy can make you feel tired, you feel completely exhausted. This is a very common symptom of early pregnancy, fatigue is not an infallible symptom of its own. You may find that Erasing fatigue more in the first two quarters and third. If you can take a nap when you really feel like it, then do it.
6. Frequent urination
Campus six weeks, you may notice that you go to the bathroom more often. This is due to a combination of pregnancy hormones, your kidneys are working extra hard and greater volume of blood in your system. But beware, if you get a burning sensation or pain when tiny, it can be an extensive urinary tract infections.
7. The darkening of the nipples
Skin changes are common during pregnancy. One of the first you may notice is the circle of skin around the nipple (areola) Darkens. It usually takes about 8 weeks. You may also find that your nipples are erect and dents on their nipples become clearer.
8. altered taste
While this may sound like a cliche, you can see that suddenly develop cravings for certain foods. These might be things you have never loved before. Some women reported a metallic taste in the mouth, other people can not stand the taste of tea, coffee or food in general is desired.
9. Missed period
A missed period is one of the surest signs of pregnancy. If your period does not start on time and usually fairly regularly, it will probably take a pregnancy test before you notice other symptoms. But if your periods are irregular or lose track of when your next one is because you realize your time is delayed. In this case, breast tenderness, feeling uncomfortable and require extra trips to the bathroom can be the first sign that you are pregnant.
And finally ...
10. The proof: A positive pregnancy test
Most home test will give a reliable result, especially if you have to wait at least the first day of a menstrual period. If there is a blue line in the test window, usually no more than 99% accuracy, and probably wait. Start working on your week of pregnancy. Make an appointment to see your doctor or midwife. You may be about to embark on a fascinating journey and life changing! Congratulations!
If you or someone you know is trying to get pregnant or become pregnant recently, then the stage of pregnancy.
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