Why are humans so smart and why have these big brains? Well, humans are not the only ones with big brains - there are dolphins, squid, sharks, elephants, chimpanzees and other animals with large brains also. Human brains seem to have more density and more folds you could fit in a small cranial capacity? Speaking about the human brain for a moment, shall we?
One reason for large mammals have bigger brains is because they have more nerve endings and larger muscles and brains required for it. If you do not develop your muscles and organs of the brain does not grow as fast or as well in many areas. It's bad, but it could be good if the parts of the brain get used to something and develop anyway - this is my conjecture or theory on it. I bet when is moored in a prosthesis someone who has lost a longtime member and connects wireless or no nerve endings, you'll find strengthen the brain in these areas used in the movement, increasing the density of these regions.
The other day I had a conversation with an acquaintance in the human brain, the way that people with sensory problems developed other skills and brains with different format. For example, in terms of being blind, use a different sensory perception to avoid bumps and map their environment in a slightly different way. What if you could not see what would happen? Well, you were not blindfolded and testing of the human mind it quickly adapts to that sensory deprivation when there is no view.
One thing that has always enjoyed my mind was running along a path in the middle of the night in the treetops, zero light, and to this day, I like to walk around the house at night without lights on. I feel perfectly comfortable, and enjoy, I actually prefer. As I'm a visual person my mind is free to think without the visual stimulus. I think I have better ideas without the lights or in a dark place of the earth. Perhaps people who meditate and close their eyes are somehow to do the same.
And now how humans do activities that evolution did not anticipate? How about writing, which does not affect writing has on the brain? Well, I think it helps with skill and allows for cross white to form substance, and that people become more ambidextrous, he made you for me after creating 30,303 items online. In fact, today, I can pull a piece of quilted paper across the room with both hands, with a very high probability of garbage, no matter if I use the hand, but too much is used, as I was very dexterous, but now I can do well - I'm sure this is the strike that has.
As human beings do less physical activity, which is causing health problems, and is also very well make the brain. My knowledge of the note that children are also more active, which become larger and can not complete a mile run at the same time, on average, 30 years ago, and yes, I know you're not surprised, but let me add to this, if you will allow me, because without the game, sport and physical activity of the human spirit's ability weakens, it has evolved to quite easily.
For example; physical activity and judgment of sports objects that enter the environment at a high rate of speed is something that is difficult and requires a lot of processing for computerized robots, but the human brain is very good at this recital runs 20 -60 watts. I can tell you that stealing, fighting, racing, bikes, sports all brains improve the speed and processing capabilities to a very large extent. Those who think that athletes are stupid evil. Athletes have only your brain tuned for a totally different thing.
Let me expand on that thought. I can tell you this, if someone playing music, playing sports, is math, learn several languages, solve complex problems, is fully committed socially, it's amazing how powerful the mind is, if children cut play, dance, creativity, and various other activities that are not formatted their brains to work at the optimum for the possible future challenges or potentially very different environments, they may have to face later. Furthermore, I would suggest that you watch the YouTube video by Sir Ken Robinson on "creativity" is a TED talk.
What about brain diseases, and there is no correlation with inflammation of my application knowledge? Yes, inflammation is a challenge of the disease, including the brain. So if your brain does not get enough sleep, do not wash the dead cells so it can itself and debris removal, as the internal fat is around the major organs that prevents almost suffocated optimum performance when someone isn 't smart about your diet as fat accumulates.
What makes me think that too much money on food stamps is causing people to overeat, so sicker and cause more illness and bankruptcy, while the health program along with our nation has. Often left leaning people in politics say that "we can not let the children go to bed hungry," that make me laugh because you sleep more soundly on an empty stomach and the stomach needs energy, and your system will work faster and you will not get the best rest. humans evolved to go to bed hungry. Being open all the time has a lot of energy needed by the brain, the brain, even operating at 20-60 watts is a costly organ of power, and the stomach takes all the energy to handle the creation of fat for later you do you favors.
What about our modern electronic equipment and the way we interact with them? These are new skills, applications never put our minds in all of human history. What about my knowledge of the Keyboards application? Good question. In fact, some of the studies I have read about keyboards and tactile and haptic sensors topics show how some keyboards create up to 40% more efficient and improve the user's ability. Think of those old typewriters with each key on a lever - slow as hell - when 60 wpm was very respectable, nowadays, people are writing about 100 words per idiot minute, I know I can .
It's funny, but nearly perfect cursive writing, but never using these skills. So in writing this article, I thought I might try, I stopped and just write a few sentences, then a little more, by the end of the second paragraph of 10 or fewer sentences later, he had completely returned to me, and he did not 't seem a doctor wrote well, it was very readable. Well, is our ability to write anything transferred, there is a genetic component to my request for knowledge? Then add the declaration;
"I can not image not know how to write cursive so good, I learned the Palmer method even taught. The reason that I learned when I received my education was It's too many people have the same letter. I've never seen someone with similar handwriting. I realized that there is a similarity in the shape of letters, in some families are written individually in terms of what turned and it is not, but it should be a matter or genetic mimicry trained through thick and fine motor skills. "
Well, I do not know how genetic writing is but I imagine that matter the amount of fat and muscle around the fingers, range of motion, so in that sense it would be a mechanical component of the skeleton - I'd bet on - I'm sure we could easily test if scientists have not done that. I'm also sure it's a tension in nature / nurture good, small variations in the top and the signatures of the skeleton, not only the style but also the pressure applied to the device by hand geometry given always subtle, but distinct, measurable, however.
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