Sunday, December 7, 2014

How to Make A Homemade Pregnancy Test

You will be surprised to know that millions of women around the world rely on home-pregnancy test to
determine if they are pregnant or not. This type of pregnancy test actually dates back to ancient times. There was of course the technology is not as much as it is today, and women have no luxury of only about their local Walgreen and get over the counter pregnancy test. They had to identify other ways to help them if they are pregnant or not. Of course, no pregnancy test, other then the doctor will perform 100% correct.

However, these homemade recipes, some have been studied by scientists, can be a good indicator of whether you are pregnant or not. Basically, there are three very popular home-pregnancy test.

The recipe dandelion Ian

The first is to use the dandelion. Use the leaves and remove it from the root of the dandelion. Then take the leaves and put them on a piece of plastic wrap and put it on the floor. Make sure they do not sit directly under the sun. Now piss on the leaves. Be sure to soak it. Now let the leaves sit for about 10 minutes. If red bubbles forming on the leaves, it is a sign that you might be pregnant. Because it is not 100% correct, go to a doctor if you have positive results.

The Pine Sol Procedure

The second way you can test for pregnancy is to use Pine Sol. Most people use pine sol as a cleaning agent, but you know that it can be used as a home-pregnancy test? -Grab Only a few pine sol and mix it with some urine. Look at this when the color changes. If this is the case, then you might be pregnant. Again, it is not 100% accurate methods; Always consult a doctor immediately if you are getting positive results.

Use bleach

And finally, how to test your home for pregnancy, the use is bleaching. Bleaching is another commonly used household cleaners, which can also be used to see if a woman with children.

Again, mix the urine with bleach. If it hisses or a little pointless, then there is a chance that you might be pregnant. As I said, none of the homemade tests are 100% correct. They can therefore be used as a guideline only. To find out if you really are pregnant, you should visit your doctor. If you do not want to be a doctor then go to the local pharmacy and get a pregnancy test. Take it home and do the test. Early pregnancy detection is essential. So if you think you are pregnant is that you are getting tested.

  Homemade Pregnancy Test

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