Infertility - It Affects More People Than You May Think
Whenever faced with a serious health problem, the first thing that comes to mind, no one will understand what I'm going, because no one has, so had to confront. When it comes to infertility, feeling no different, but the statistics show a different picture. In the US, nearly 12% of women aged 15-44 years old have some form of infertility problems, it is difficult to understand impossible.1 For me, the statistics are staggering.
I have more statistics that really make you wonder how widespread the problem really infertility. According to the national development of the family survey found that 25.3% of married women aged 15-44 years old, yet had no children wear fertility problems, problems with problems between pregnancy to pregnancy term2 the figure is from 2002, the percentage can be changed a little bit, but I can not know whether an increase or decrease in the last eight years, say.
What also need to understand is that even the figure of the State "woman" as we speak of married couples, the wife of investing 50% of the wedding. The percentages listed above put women compared to male infertility.
For a better idea of how far you had to infertility, imagine a space of 100 couples between the ages of 15 and 44. If you have this in mind, you should now have 25 pairs wearing bright orange shirts to infertility. Yes, a quarter of couples who are represented in your mind, is a form of infertility.
Infertility is frightening because it is to copy a fundamental part of human nature and hear that you are having trouble playing well, it's like someone telling you that you have, eating and sleeping to breathing. Sometimes only able to others who are struggling with infertility, can imagine the diagnosis to make it more bearable. It is very important that you know who you are. Not alone in the treatment of infertility
While it might seem a little overwhelming statistic when you think about all the women and couples who knows. Then start the application of the percentage of these people, and they do not realize that they only start to their circles of friends and colleagues who knows some problems during pregnancy. Infertility is a reality for many couples, but because it is to find as many wives and individuals who believe that there are some types of infertility, it is easier than you, a year the same thing goes. Always remember, you are not alone when it comes to infertility .......
The NICHD research aims to use this work experience with HIV / AIDS, to fight other infectious diseases.......
The Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (MPI DB) Mother and was formed in 1988 as a child, adolescent and maternal AIDS. At that time, his mission was to support and conduct national and international research on HIV / AIDS with a particular focus on infants, children, adolescents and women.
Since then, Branch led the way in research to find better ways to treat and prevent HIV infection in these populations. A remarkable achievement, it is his job to prevent transmission of HIV from mother to child. Now the power takes the lessons learned from research on HIV / AIDS and its application to the challenges of co-infections associated with HIV, such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, malaria and other infectious diseases.
We recently spoke with Tupi Saul tan MD, the new head NPIDB, some of the challenges and opportunities in research on HIV / AIDS and how to take other infectious diseases.
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