Thursday, December 25, 2014

Home Remedies Ringworm Treatment - (and Effective?)

Ringworm treatment home remedies we use? If you are one of about twenty percent of our population is infected with ringworm, chances are you have, at one time, considered using home remedies to treat ringworm.

In my quest to find the most effective treatment of ringworm that is available out there, I recently posted a question on Yahoo Answers about home remedies "that actually work" to find real people like you and me, it would be healed really recommend. The issue has attracted a number of responses and they took me to investigate this issue.

After a little more research on the Internet and friends who ask for treatment of ringworm "secret family recipe," I have a better idea of what people consider to be speedy and effective. Prepare to be fascinated and surprised. All the mentioned ingredients are common household items some of us never remotely with an anti fungal medication.

Oh yes, before I show you the list, a little reminder. Ringworm, despite its name, is not caused by worms. It is an infection caused by mold fungi called dermatologists like. It is contagious and can be transmitted by direct skin contact with an infected person, an infected animal or infected area or object. Therefore, if you have a rather moth-Betsy Itsy refrain from scratch. Mushrooms cling to your hands and you are responsible for spreading the infection to other parts of your body, or other members of the worst family. And contaminated objects - Never share personal items with anyone. Clothing, hats, shoes, toothbrushes, anything can be a carrier of the infection. One of my friends has a cute little three year old girl named Tracy, once brought home a lot of toys used in some garage sale. He thought he had a lucrative business - the toys were intact and talking doll batteries is still talking. To his chagrin, Tracy recently had an outbreak of rash the next day, his pediatrician diagnosed after ringworm. Lesson is that you can not see the mushrooms (well, except under black light or Wood's lamp - brightness), so be careful when handling unknown objects.

But enough of that. In the list. To read more about ringworm and ringworm treatment, just got my site. Please click on the link at the bottom of this page.

First treatment of ringworm son at home - using vinegar shared kitchen and a penny. Soak the penny in vinegar and rub on the affected area. Some even recommend saving the penny to the place of ringworm. Others use vinegar penniless. The reasoning of those who use the penny-vinegar combo is vinegar reacts with the copper is used as an effective killer fungus.

The remedy to the next house, and it was suggested by a girl named "love me ..." on Yahoo Answers was used diluted bleach. Using q tips, applying the bleach solution to dry up affected area. Some have suggested the proportion of one part bleach to six parts water as the ideal drink ... err solution. Others recommend recklessly treatment of pure bleach, but many people correctly noted that pure chlorine bottle is a very powerful agent and can contain caustic (sodium hydroxide), which can cause severe burns and chemical scars. Only swim and dive in a chlorinated pool, if you get the advantage of chlorine in the treatment of skin infections.

Another fascinating folk remedy is the "method of paper." People who use it, burn a portable crumpled paper sheet in a porcelain dish, and the use of ash or residue as an ointment for the treatment of ringworm. Imagine that.

Another strange home remedy is the use of clear nail polish. Directions: Apply a thin layer of nail polish on the affected area. Let dry and take off with tweezers or wash with soap. Those who practice this method believe that "chokes" mushrooms and attest that their infection dried the next day. Others suggest nails nail colors work both the colorless type.

A boy of Canada approved sea salt as the treatment of the end ringworm. Obviously, this man worked in an airport and took the counter surface of the infection is usually based on the job. Ringworm spreads throughout the body, including the face, and the poor guy suffered for a whole year with him. After repeated visits (and expensive) to your doctor recommended anti fungal creams finally managed to clear the ringworm on his body, but no injuries on the face. It was then that he discovered the cure for the use of sea salt. A handful of liquid salt rubbed into the affected areas on his face soaked for 30 minutes and the process is repeated several times. The boy swears his dry the next morning ringworm. Salt or salt water of the sea, that's the ticket, he said.

Other items mentioned as an effective medication are snuff and Vick Vapor Rub (suggested by "Rosie" on Yahoo Answers). Of course, many herbs and medicinal plants were also cited as an effective cure, but discuss it another try. Black walnut fruit seeds extracts the fig leaf of grape juice, and tea tree oil are some of these natural remedies mentioned.

I recommend one of these career ringworm remedies? Not today. Is the human body we're talking about, after all. Caution should be the golden rule. You can not deny that many of these simple home remedies really work - for some people. But each of us has our own unique set of very different characteristics and physiological allergies John or Jane Doe following. Our bodies, or to be more precise, our skin reacts differently to different substances. What I am saying is that the treatment of ringworm spun house that worked for your neighbor might not work for you.

If anything I would use me, in addition to over-the-counter anti fungal usual, is the treatment method of natural ringworm. The use of plant extracts. Green all the way. One hundred percent natural, one hundred percent organic. Especially tea tree oil. Many scientific studies have established the effectiveness of tea tree oil in the treatment of ringworm. Antiseptic, an unmatched powerful anti fungal agent. And of course - less chance of adverse allergic reactions for you. For a discussion of a company that produces natural ringworm treatment in a modern world class, please visit my website link below.

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