Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Herpes Simplex Treatment

Genital herpes is an STD (sexually transmitted disease). The pathogen Herpes virus type-1 and type 2. Type wrapped form with a cold face, lips and mouth, but may also cause blisters on the genitals. Type 2 is the main cause of genital ulcers.

You can spread the virus of cold sores on the genitals. This can occur if you fail or spread through genital or oral sex measures for hand washing. Virus is not sending active. The vesicles do not exist for the disease transmitted to a partner.

Some natural remedies are:

1. A relaxing hot bath with Epsom salt or sea salt soothe muscles and the ability to reduce the recovery. During the bath can be a relief, but it also has the potential to make skin and herpes spread to other parts of the body. The shower can be practical. Be sure to clean the shower when you share with someone who has herpes.

2. Use soap and warm water also has a calming effect on the wound. Keep area with lesions to prevent the spread of infection. Soap is always useful to keep the infection site. This is to simulate the same feeling as a hot bath without consuming much time.

3. In the generation of different powders for soothing and drying is recommended. Corn starch and yeast are available for use. They help to keep the area dry, thus promoting healing. Dust Domeboro is another drug that is tough, medicinal properties of many athletes are spraying dry food and very quick to heal the wounds of herpes. A cotton ball with powders that can be used to give a pat on the field. The dry and reduce itching associated with cold sores.

4. Water glass visitors another advantage. The black tea bag can soothe the wounds of genital herpes. This tannin in tea and has been for many years, which relieves sunburn known. It was also found that in order to curb the spread. Place the tea bags to brew the tea bag in enough hot water. Immediately cold tea bag and black tea bag cools the wound.

5. The medicinal value of aloe Vera is known. It has been documented from 1750 BC treatment of epidemic is similar to sunburn. Apply it to dry the gel of the aloe vera plant directly into the wound and. As with all of the elements necessary to keep the surface dry to reduce healing time. The effects of cooling aloe soothe the area and help the healing.

6. If you had the flu, your doctor may recommend rest. It is a common to all sick. Also applies to herpes outbreaks. When the latent virus rears its head and a fracture occurs, rest and allow your body to regenerate assistance. If it does not cause pain or itching disappear, you can help your body to focus on the process of healing. Activities that use your body does not participate. To prevent movement or other physical exertion during the outbreak.

7. Stress has many negative effects on the body. If stress is a relationship, a job or a final exam, can cause damage to the immune system. Finally, you can see that their homes are connected to much emphasis in general. No one can avoid stress completely, but learn to assist you with your herpes outbreaks. Your immune system helps to viruses and other diseases under control. Stress management is an important tool to reduce the frequency to produce their buds. Stress management through daily meditation or other relaxation techniques is essential for patients with Herpes.

8. It has been suggested several times that the leak clean and dry environment. Your clothes can be an important factor to keep dry. Cotton is the use of a breathable material, to cover the area of injury. Avoid tight pants is also recommended. You can help break rarer and shorter.

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